The top 10 things to do if you become bored being in quarantine:
10. Train your dog, parrot or hamster to do helpful chores.
9. Take up a new hobby like sewing (masks for healthcare workers) or knitting (sweaters and blankets) for the homeless.
8. Buy the most complicated Lego set online or a 1,000 piece jigsaw puzzle and build/assemble it. (Note: Anything that says “So easy a child can assemble it” usually means ONLY a child can figure out how to assemble it!)
7. Find those old board games you mothballed when you started playing online video games.
6. Play Bingo remotely with as many people as you can using video conference technology.
5. Convince all your neighbors to open their windows and rotate who picks the song everyone must sing every hour on the hour.
4. Get cultured (no, not yogurt). The Metropolitan Opera is streaming nightly.
3. Learn to play an obscure instrument like a zither, contrabass balalaika, crwth, hardanger fiddle or a lur.
2. Since no one is going for haircuts or to beauty salons, try out a new hairstyle and experiment with your hair differently every day.
1. You could tune in online for one or more Continuing Legal Education (CLE) courses offered as part of Rimon’s Complimentary CLE Webinar Series 2020.