“O” For Goodness Sake

A person with O Negative blood type is referred to as a universal donor and is pretty rare. Only 7% of the population have O Negative blood.

A Moving Law

Newton’s third law of motion states that ‘for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction?

Newton’s first law states that an object will not change its motion unless a force acts on it (inertia). His second law say that the force of an object is equal to its mass times its acceleration.

The Official Soft Drink of Summer

Coca Cola was the first soft drink in space. The formula for Coca Cola was invented by Dr. John S. Pemberton on May 8, 1886 in Atlanta, Georgia. After Dr. Pemberton let customers at Jacob’s Pharmacy try it out, it proved to be so popular they started selling it for 5 cents a glass. The rest, as they say, is history!

Marathon Man & President

President George W. Bush, who became the 43rd President of the United States, is the only U.S. President to have run a marathon. He ran the Houston Marathon in 1993, with a time of 3:44:52.

Marathon Man

Who is the only President of the United States that had ever run a marathon?

Transparent Cellulose

Cellophane was invented by Jacques E. Brandenberger, a Swiss chemist. Seeing wine spill on a tablecloth, he wanted to create a flexible material that would not absorb liquids. It took him about 10 years (starting at around 1900) to perfect the material and by 1912, the year he patented the material, he developed a machine that could produce the material he called “Cellophane.” The term was derived from two words – cellulose and diaphane (meaning “transparent”).
The Swiss company Brandenberger worked for owned the rights and subsequently sold them to a French company (“La Cellphane”) that engaged Brandenberger. In the U.S., the first use of cellophane was for candy wrapping – Whitman’s Sampler – in 1912. Whitman’s candy company continued to be the primary user of cellophane from France until 1924, when DuPont began manufacturing cellophane in the United States.