All About Eve

In the critically acclaimed motion picture, All About Eve, which received 14 Academy Award nominations, including the Academy Award for Best Picture in 1951, Bette Davis, in the role of Margo Channing, spoke the words: “Fasten your seat belts. It’s going to be a bumpy night.” To this day, All About Eve is the only film in Oscar history to have received nominations for 4 female actors (Bette Davis and Ann Baxter as Best Actress, Celeste Holm and Thelma Ritter as Best Supporting Actress), although none took home the Academy Award for their performances.

Buckle Up Bones!

Who said “Fasten your seat belts. It’s going to be a bumpy night”?
Hint: It wasn’t Captain Kirk!

Heisman Trophy

The famous “Heisman pose” is based on Ed Smith, the former New York University running back, who modeled for the Heisman Trophy’s sculptor.

Strike a Pose

In 1934, who did the sculptor of the Heisman Trophy ask to strike the now famous “Heisman pose”?

That is . . . good and bad

Tremendous and stupendous, but not horrendous or hazardous!
Those are the only four words in the English language which end in “dous”

Do(u)’s (and Don’ts)

Most people cannot identify the only four words in the English language which end in “dous”!!! Can you?

What’s In a Name?

The original name of the song “Silver Bells” was “Tinkle Bells” until co-composer Jay Livingston’s wife explained to him that “tinkle” had another meaning.

Not Long Legs – That’s For Sure

A giraffe’s long neck contains only seven elongated cervical vertebrae, the same number of vertebrae found in human necks.
Another common feature that humans share with the giraffes: each has the same amount of teeth – 32 – although giraffes have no upper front teeth. Most of their teeth are molars found in the back of their mouths.