Over, But Not Out

The term 10-4, like many other codes, refers to a distinctive communication lingo adopted by users of Citizens’Band (CB) radio – primarily among truckers hauling freight in the United States throughout the 1970s and 80s.

The code 10-6 means I’m busy at the moment, but stand by and 10-13 is a request to get information about the weather and road conditions. When a CB radio message asks ‘what’s your 10-20?’ they are asking for your location – where are you?

Albert Einstein

“Laws alone can not secure freedom of expression; in order that every man present his views without penalty there must be spirit of tolerance in the entire population.”


“10-4” is the common communication response acknowledging receipt of a message and signing off at the end of a radio transmission.
Do you know where it comes from or what 10-6 or 10-13 or 10-20 means?

The First Historian

Thycydides is considered by many to be the first “true historian”, noted for using a fact-based scientific approach to recounting events, free of rumours and myths.

Charles Robert Darwin

“It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the ones most responsive to change.”

Fathom That

In Samuel Clemens’s book, Life on the Mississippi, he explains that he took the pseudonym from the senior riverboat captain Isaiah Sellers, who would take note of practical information about the river, and would sign them “MARK TWAIN.”   Clemens subsequently wrote these were published – with some of Mr. Seller’s descriptive phrases – by a local newspaper (although historians have been unable to actually confirm the truth of Clemens’ assertions). What is known, is that Clemens wrote a parody and published it in another New Orleans newspaper, the New Orleans Daily Crescent.  According to Clemens, Sellers was so upset that not only did he never again submit his  notes for publication, but he never signed ‘Mark Twain’ to anything again.  ‘Mark Twain’ also happens to be the term used by riverboat captains and crew for water that is two fathoms (12 feet) deep – important information for a steamboat, since it can mean the difference between safe passage or being trapped or worse: sunk in shallow water.

Eric Ken Shinseki

“If you dislike change, you’re going to dislike irrelevance even more.”

25th Anniversary Edition: Best of the Best USA Expert Guide

I am honored at having been notified I will be listed in the 2019 Best of the Best USA Expert Guide, as one of the Top 30 Media Practitioners in the USA.

Over the course of a quarter of a century, Euromoney’s Legal Media Group has researched the world’s legal markets. Based on extensive review, with legal peers and in-house counsel, they identify the world’s leading lawyers, advisers and legal practitioners.

Over these past 25 years, the Expert Guides have become a valuable reference tool and trusted resource for international buyers of legal services.

This is their 25th Anniversary Edition and although I have been listed in previous editions of the Guide to the World’s Leading Technology, Media and Telecommunications Lawyers, each time I receive such a notice, it reminds me of the professional relationships I have enjoyed over the last 40 years and the great privilege I have been afforded of serving and working with clients and colleagues, not only in the USA, but around the world.   Thank you!

Joe Rosenbaum


Never the Twain Shall Meet

Although Samuel Clemens’s earliest use of the pseudonym Mark Twain was in February 1863 in the Virginia City Territorial Enterprise, how he chose that name is still uncertain.  Any ideas?